"I never know when and how to tell my new partner about what happened"
"I fear my cover will be blown when Valentine's Day rolls around"
"My boyfriend's penis is too big it hurts to have sex with him I've only ever really orgasmed once the other times I've faked it."
"I feel pressured because of the judging looks I get when sex comes up in conversations."
"I need options for who I will marry!"
" I'm one of the people who represent everything that's wrong with this virtual post-informational society."
"2 years in a relationship he still doesn't know I lost my virginity to him."
Am I the only woman who "nests" right before I get my period? I have to clean everything.
"I had to help a man who took too much viagra. It was a sight to see!"
"I hated myself after, but I'm secure in life for a while."