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Parents Recall: The Time I Acted Upset, But Was Really Impressed When My Child...
The content below was sourced from real posts on the Whisper app, the largest online community where people anonymously share real thoughts and feelings. Join the community to continue the conversation today. Sometimes we laugh at things that shouldn't be funny or count as bad behavior. We all do it, because we are human. Parents are humans too, so they know how hard it is to keep a straight face when they want to laugh! These parents share the time their kid behaved badly, while they secretly found it amusing or impressive. These confessions will remind you that sometimes moral conflicts happen when you're a parent! These confessions will also remind you how savage and hilarious kids can be.

A business man at heart!

My son sold imaginary dragon eggs to kids for real money. You can only see them if you truly believe in them, he said. Meanwhile, the little shit didn't believe in his own damn scam LMAO

Nanaimo, British Columbia, CA


My daughter told her brother to shut the f**k up because he was making very loud annoying sounds in the car for 10 minutes straight. Such an innocent tiny voice too! I was dying! I had to correct her though.

Medford, New Jersey, US


My son figured out how to make his own beer in MIDDLE SCHOOL!  Me and my husband were wildly impressed and had sooo many questions, but had to be the upset parents.

Pine Mountain Club, California, US

What a savage!

My daughter took a nice bite out of the arm of a boy who lifted her school dress up. Principal suspended her, l took her on a shopping spree.


Melbourne, Victoria, AU

Making money moves.

My son (4 at the time) figured out how to unlock his grandma's (my mom's) phone while she napped.
I came home. Mom's snoring. He's racked up $100 in Robux debt.


Sneaky sneaky.

My son was being bad, so I made him sit in the naughty chair. Then he grabbed the chair and walked around with it, while holding it on his bottom.

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
