Victims of Sexual Abuse Explain Why It's Not Easy To Tell People About It
With the current climate regarding sexual assault, there are plenty of debates circling around on how soon a victim should be telling other people about their abuse. In the media, victims are being shamed for waiting years before coming clean about their horrific history. However, the only people that truly have a say in this discussion are the survivors themselves. Unless you have been a victim of sexual assault, you have no idea how hard it can be to come forward and tell people about your own trauma. These confessions prove how hard it can really be. These survivors explain why they fear coming forward, to even the ones they love, about their sexual abuse. They are not alone.
Victims of Sexual Abuse Explain Why It's Not Easy To Tell People About It
With the current climate regarding sexual assault, there are plenty of debates circling around on how soon a victim should be telling other people about their abuse. In the media, victims are being shamed for waiting years before coming clean about their horrific history. However, the only people that truly have a say in this discussion are the survivors themselves. Unless you have been a victim of sexual assault, you have no idea how hard it can be to come forward and tell people about your own trauma. These confessions prove how hard it can really be. These survivors explain why they fear coming forward, to even the ones they love, about their sexual abuse. They are not alone.