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Ladies Confess: I Am Dating A Trust Fund Baby
The content below was sourced from real posts on the Whisper app, the largest online community where people anonymously share real thoughts and feelings. Join the community to continue the conversation today. They say love doesn't cost a thing, but sometimes money can be a factor when your boo has a trust fund. These women have found themselves in relationships with men who either have a big chunk of change or one on its way. Lots of stereotypes and assumptions come with having a trust fund and also with dating someone who has one. See what these women have to say about their relationships with these men who are set for life.


I just found out my boyfriend has a trust fund. This makes me no longer want to break up with him...am I messed up?

Advance, Oregon, US

Why though?

Found out my new boyfriend is a trust fund baby. Now I just feel uncomfortable.


A waiting game indeed.

I just found out my boyfriend is a trust fund baby and will inherit 7 million dollars in 3 years. I don’t know how to feel about this.

Denver, Colorado, US

What a shame.

I have to break up with my sweetheart boyfriend because, although he has a trust fund, his ambitions are low and he doesn’t have a job. This makes him drink so he got a DUI and is in rehab.

Los Angeles, California, US

He sounds like a total jerk.

My boyfriend is a trust fund baby. He makes me feel bad that I don't work hard for good grades. But, he doesn't work for anything else.

Aurora, Colorado, US


Having a boyfriend that comes from money doesn’t make me a gold digger...that’s his parents money. He’s technically broke until he establishes himself. I don’t even consider his trust fund his.

Royal Palm Beach, Florida, US
