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Confession: What Life Is Like With Alcoholic Parents
The content below was sourced from real posts on the Whisper app, the largest online community where people anonymously share real thoughts and feelings. Join the community to continue the conversation today. They say addiction is a family disease because it truly affects your entire family. Children of alcoholics know this to be true all too well. Their confessions reveal how painful it is to have a parent, or parents, that depend on booze to get through life. May these stories remind you that you're not alone if you too can relate to these confessions. It's never too late to get help for someone you love and change your lives together.


How can I deal with alcoholic parents who don’t know that they’re alcoholics? Either they're in denial or their disease has blinded them. I am scared for them.

Caerleon, Wales, GB


My mom is an alcoholic and now I'm seeing my boyfriend go down that same path. Sometimes I feel surrounded by it...

Toledo, Ohio, US

So sad.

My mom is an alcoholic. She doesn't even realize she's one. And the worst part is that, the only reason she leaves the house is to go to a liquor store.

Olathe, Kansas, US

It feels good to be seen and heard.

A family friend recently told me she was concerned for me because both of my parents are alcoholics. To be honest it felt great to know that someone actually gives a f**k.

Philip, South Dakota, US

Haters gonna hate.

My friends call me boring because I don’t go out to drink or smoke often. I just can’t because I don’t want to be like my alcoholic parents.

San Jose, California, US


Both of my parents are alcoholics. I have a terrifying fear of turning it to be one too. I don't want to have kids because of this.

Bellingham, Washington, US
