Confession: My True Feelings On My Partner's Miscarriage
The content below was sourced from real posts on the Whisper app, the largest online community where people anonymously share real thoughts and feelings. Join the community to continue the conversation today. The disappointment and heartache of a miscarriage can be crippling. The excitement and plans for a new baby are shattered before your eyes, leaving you feeling hopeless. This is not only painful for the woman carrying the baby. Their partners are also deeply affected by the loss as well. These confessions are their sides of the story. May the confessions remind you that everyone is battling their own issues at any given moment. Be kind to one another.
Confession: My True Feelings On My Partner's Miscarriage
The content below was sourced from real posts on the Whisper app, the largest online community where people anonymously share real thoughts and feelings. Join the community to continue the conversation today. The disappointment and heartache of a miscarriage can be crippling. The excitement and plans for a new baby are shattered before your eyes, leaving you feeling hopeless. This is not only painful for the woman carrying the baby. Their partners are also deeply affected by the loss as well. These confessions are their sides of the story. May the confessions remind you that everyone is battling their own issues at any given moment. Be kind to one another.