20 Stories On Breast Pumping That Every New Mom Can Relate To
Breastfeeding is, perhaps, the most intimate bond a mother could feel with her newborn. For all the joys that come with motherhood, pumping for breast milk may not be a highlight to some, but it's something that mothers deal with in order to keep their baby healthy. Every mother will tell you that the work does not stop when the baby is sleeping or otherwise, occupied. And with the work comes a time for personal reflection or pure agony.
20 Stories On Breast Pumping That Every New Mom Can Relate To
Breastfeeding is, perhaps, the most intimate bond a mother could feel with her newborn. For all the joys that come with motherhood, pumping for breast milk may not be a highlight to some, but it's something that mothers deal with in order to keep their baby healthy. Every mother will tell you that the work does not stop when the baby is sleeping or otherwise, occupied. And with the work comes a time for personal reflection or pure agony.