Confession: What Life Is Really Like When You Have An Invisible Disability
The content below was sourced from real posts on the Whisper app, the largest online community where people anonymously share real thoughts and feelings. Join the community to continue the conversation today. What you see isn't always what you get. Everyone has secrets and everyone has their own battles they are facing on a daily basis. For some, it's an illness that doesn't meet the eye. Living with an invisible disability sometimes means dealing with judgement from others who don't understand your illness because they cannot see it. These confessions show what life is like when you are suffering from an invisible illness. Let these confessions remind you that we are all carrying our own baggage, in one way or another. Be kind.
Confession: What Life Is Really Like When You Have An Invisible Disability
The content below was sourced from real posts on the Whisper app, the largest online community where people anonymously share real thoughts and feelings. Join the community to continue the conversation today. What you see isn't always what you get. Everyone has secrets and everyone has their own battles they are facing on a daily basis. For some, it's an illness that doesn't meet the eye. Living with an invisible disability sometimes means dealing with judgement from others who don't understand your illness because they cannot see it. These confessions show what life is like when you are suffering from an invisible illness. Let these confessions remind you that we are all carrying our own baggage, in one way or another. Be kind.