Tough Love: What It's Like To Love A Man With Depression
The content below was sourced from real posts on the Whisper app, the largest online community where people anonymously share real thoughts and feelings. Join the community to continue the conversation today. Depression can be crippling for those who have it. It can also be a huge challenge to be in a relationship with someone who is battling depression as well. It's really hard not to get sucked up into someone else's depression and it can feel so helpless when you feel like there is nothing you can do to help. These ladies couldn't agree more. Their confessions are about being in a relationship with men who are dealing with depression. May these confessions educate you or make you feel less alone. Everyone deserves happiness.
Tough Love: What It's Like To Love A Man With Depression
The content below was sourced from real posts on the Whisper app, the largest online community where people anonymously share real thoughts and feelings. Join the community to continue the conversation today. Depression can be crippling for those who have it. It can also be a huge challenge to be in a relationship with someone who is battling depression as well. It's really hard not to get sucked up into someone else's depression and it can feel so helpless when you feel like there is nothing you can do to help. These ladies couldn't agree more. Their confessions are about being in a relationship with men who are dealing with depression. May these confessions educate you or make you feel less alone. Everyone deserves happiness.