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Women Tell All: I Slept With Multiple People On The Same Day
The content below was sourced from real posts on the Whisper app, the largest online community where people anonymously share real thoughts and feelings. Join the community to continue the conversation today. Whatever people, or how many people, do in the bedroom is their business and their business only. Fortunately for us, these free spirits decided to share the sexual escapades. These women admit to sleeping with more than one person in the same day. Read on to see what really went down and how it all happened. These confessions prove that sometimes three really is a crowd, and sometimes the more the merrier!

Too close for comfort!

I once slept with two dudes in the same day. They barely  missed each other when passing in and out! That was a close call!

Fourmile, Alabama, US

Sh*t happens.

I hooked up with 3 guys the day that my ex dumped me. Probably not my classiest move, but I was a heartbroken mess!

Colorado Springs, Colorado, US

Slept with my husband, boyfriend, and fwb all in the same day. :/ Funny thing is...I’ve only slept with those three in all my life, ever. It was a pretty slutty day though LOL

Ammon, Idaho, US

Classic mix up!

When I thought my last ex and I broke up, I went and slept with 2 guys in the same day. 2 weeks later he messaged me asking if we can get off the break. I didn't know he thought we were on a break...

Newcastle, New South Wales, AU

Oh my!

I once had sex with 5 people in one night. Don't do drugs, boys and girls!


When in Rome!

I once slept with 3 different guys on the same day while traveling. I have no regrets.

